John Doerr ...

The best entrepreneurs are the ones who
really go the distance with their companies,
who are always learning ...
they don't know what they don't know,
so they attempt to do the impossible,
and they often succeed ...
Entrepreneurs do more
than anyone thinks possible,
with less than anyone thinks possible!

John Doerr
aka a venture capitalist

[Rules of Some 6513]

Rod Serling ...

 Hatred is not the norm. Prejudice is not the norm.
Suspicion, dislike, jealousy, scapegoating,
none of those are the transcendent facet
of the human personality.
They're diseases.
They are the cancers of the soul.
They are the infectious and contagious viruses
that have been breeding humanity for years.
And because they have been and because they are,
is it necessary that they shall be?
I think not.
To those who tell us that the inequality
of the human animal is a necessary evil, 
we must respond by simply saying that first,
it is evil, but it's not necessary.
We prove it by reaffirming our faith.
We prove it by having faith in our affirmations.
Let us be ashamed to live without that victory.

Rod Serling
aka Rodman Edward Serling,
an American screenwriter and television producer
best known for his anthology television series The Twilight Zone

[Rules of Some 6512]

Walt Disney ...


Little Richard ...